Saturday, August 14, 2010

Where has time gone?!

Wow, it's been awhile since I've been on here. I'm sure my 2 readers missed me. ; ) lol

Since my last post I've: had a baby, learned that there really is no instruction manual for how to take care of a baby, celebrated my 5th wedding anniversary, and learned just how expensive babies really are! I finally get the baby-making b
ills paid off and now I get to pay the baby-having bills. Money well spent, though.

It's amazing how much your life really changes when you add a baby to the mix. I really can't remember what life was like before her and what I used to do with all my time! Now my time consists of nursing, changing diapers, pumping, cuddling, nursing, watching her every possible second so I don't miss a thing, nursing, trying to nap while she's napping, pumping, nursing, throwing things in the extra room when company is coming over because I don't have time to clean, and, well, nursing. I am so glad I have stuck with breastfeeding, but my goodness it takes a lot of time and effort! Now that Sophie is almost 2 months old (*gasp* 2 months?! really?!) it's getting easier and quicker, but breastfeeding and pumping take a lot of time, effort, energy, and dedication. I love the bond it has given us and it really is a special time. I'm so glad we chose to breastfeed. (Not to mention the health benefits, money saved, and extra calories burned ; )

I'll try to put her birth story sometime soon. I want this to be a memory blog so that I can look back on her growing up. Time really does fly by so fast and I want to record as much as I can.

In 7.5 weeks Sophia has:
*been to Chuck E. Cheese, the mall, El Zarape (twice), TGIFridays, the ballpark, swimming, and I'm sure others that I've forgotten
*shown a LOVE for bath time...especially having her hair washed. She absolutely adores it.
* had her frenulum clipped. She was severely tongue-tied. It is fixed now and she is a much better eater because of it. She's gaining weight like a champ now!
*been smiling since 4 weeks old. I wake up to see big smiles every morning.
*began cooing and "talking" at 5 weeks. She loves to coo at the flower on her play mat
*alternates between sleeping in her pack n play and her crib. Just depends on what time she falls asleep
*Sleeps for 5-6 hour stretches at night. She usually sleeps from about 9:30-3:30, nurses, and then goes back to sleep til about 6 or 7. This momma couldn't ask for more!

I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them right now. I'll get this better organized later. Now for the most important!

~Just born! June 23, 2010 2:38 pm 7 lb 15 oz 21 in

1 day old

~ 2 days old...leaving the hospital

~First bath

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