So, Mr. Elijah has been a part of our family for 2 months now...and I'm just now getting around to documenting it. Oops! I skipped a month or two with the other kids, too, so it's not just because he's the "forgotten" youngest child. ha! Having 3 little ones ages 3 and under is definitely exhausting and a challenge every minute of the day, but it is SO WORTH it! I LOVE what he has added to this family and now I feel like we are "complete". My heart is so full it might burst! Some things about the little fella:
*Weighs 11 lb 0oz (50%) and 23in (50%) He was a slow gainer at first & we had to go to several weight checks, but he's finally surpassed his birth weight & gaining like a champ!
*Size 1 diaper
*Gradually growing out of newborn and into 0-3 month clothing. Sleepers are still a little too long in the legs, but newborns are getting too snug.
*He is so laid back and happy! He is seriously SO chill...especially considering how much he gets trampled on by Livy. He smiles so easily, too and it just!
*Nursing is going well...much better than I was anticipating at first. It is super hard to balance breastfeeding with having a newborn, 20 month old, and 3 year old. I really wasn't even expecting to make it past a month, so I'm proud we're still going! Now that I'm back to work, he nurses once in the morning & once at night then takes 3 5oz pumped bottles while at the sitter's.
*He is a great sleeper. :::knocks on wood::: We have fallen into the routine of him nursing around 7:30pm or so and going to sleep around 9pm and then I get him up at 5am to nurse then he sleeps until I get him up & ready to leave just before 7am! It is glorious!
*He holds his head up really really well, does great with tummy time, enjoys laying on his play mat (especially if a sister joins in), likes sleeping in the Rock & Play, likes the bouncy seat & tolerates the swing for short periods of time (he prefers that it not be swinging, though. ha!). He also loves his sisters, looking at the Christmas lights on the trees, and does great on car rides.
Elijah, we are so thrilled that God chose us to be your parents. Even at 2months old, you have brought so much to this family and we couldn't imagine our lives without you! Love you sweet boy!