How far along: 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +6
Maternity clothes: Mostly...I still wear some regular sweaters but all my pants are maternity...so comfy!!
Stretch marks: getting some around the belly button....not cool
Sleep: Most nights are good. I have trouble falling back to sleep when I wake up to use the restroom
Best moment this week: Scheduling our big ultrasound!!!
Movement: I'm pretty sure I'm feeling it....I haven't really felt "flutters" like everyone describes...I'm feeling some light "thumps" that I'm pretty sure are baby. I can't wait until I know for sure!
Food cravings: Chocolate Shake
Gender: We will know soon!
Labor signs: none, thank goodness!
Belly button in or out: In....but stretched and kinda deep....grosses me out, but Jeff thinks it's hilarious
What I miss: not.a.thing
What I am looking forward to: Finding out the gender and having out Gender Reveal Party!
Weekly wisdom: Even the doctor has some trouble finding an active baby's heartbeat
Milestone: Being close enough to 20 weeks to schedule the big ultrasound!
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