*You weigh 22 pounds (20%), are 31 inches (30%), and your head is in the 60th percentile...you have big brains ; )
*You still wear a size 3 diaper and will probably be for a few more months. You have no booty
*You are wearing 12 mo and 18 mo clothing, it just depends on the length and style. You are in a size 4 or 5 shoe.
*Speaking of shoes, you prefer to wear your boots. All.the.time. So much so that I have gotten you a pair in brown, pink, and you got black for Christmas. Whenever I try to put shoes on you, you flip out and say "no shoes, mommy! boots! boots!" I usually cave because you are just so dang cute in boots. You even like to wear them around the house while in your pjs.
*Your vocabulary has continued to take off! I'm afraid you are going to be a jabber-jaws like your mommy. Daddy & I made a list of the words you say on your own with no prompting when we were bored one night and we came up with 91 words and 7 phrases. At your 18mo check-up the doctor said that 50 words by age 2 is what they want.....you over-achiever ;)
*Some of your favorite/cute words:
"up, mommy", ugs (hugs), "uh-oh, daddy mess", "mommy, help", "mouth/nose,hands" whenever you are messy and want us to clean you up, "knuck-sels" (knuckles aka:fist bumps), "momma, out" when you want out of your high chair or bath, "OUT, sizzy, OUT!" you like to boss Isabel the cat around, "Santa Clause"
*You still sleep SO well. We lay you down at 7:30 and you play yourself to sleep, but you are usually asleep by 7:45. You now wake up around 6:45 but you play in your crib while I finish getting ready for work and then come in at 7:00 to get you dressed and ready to go.
*You still only have 10 teeth. I *think* you may be working on another top tooth....you need some more bottom teeth so you can bite into things better!
*You are so sweet. Seriously. You love to hug and kiss on Karsyn and help out with her, you give everyone hugs and kisses, you like to sit and read, you are sweet to the animals (besides yelling OUT to them all the time), you wave to people while we are out and about, you kiss my belly, and everytime daddy leaves the room you yell "bye, daddy! mwah!" while blowing kisses. I hope you are always this sweet.
*Your favorite foods are: bananas "nanas", fish sticks, corn, green beans, blueberry waffles, applesauce pouches, nilla wafers, goldfish, and any kind of condiment.
*Some of your favorite toys: anything Minnie/Mickey mouse, your lambie, baby dolls, books,books, and more books.
*You LOVED all the different Christmas decorations. You especially liked Santa, snowmen, and lights. You loved to spot Santa, wave to him & blow him kisses, but you didn't particularly like having to sit with him. You would yell "ights!" everytime we were in the car at night....we drove around to look at lights several nights and you loved it.

Sophia, this has been the best year and a half of my life and I cannot wait to see what the next year has in store for us! I think you are going to be a great big sister and I can't wait to have 2 little girls to love.

You look great Jess! And so does Sophia of course! Ummm, have you guys always had a cat named Isabel? I had no idea!!!! Haha!
ReplyDeleteThanks! Yep, we've had Isabel for like 4 years. She's our "psycho kitty" ;) We also have a dog named Roxy Jade. =)