*Not sure on the weight...I'm guessing right around 20 pounds. I'll find out during her appt. Tuesday. **She weighs 18 lb 1 oz & is 29 1/4 in....that would be around 45th% for weight & 65th% for height. Her head was around the 70th%. She's petite with a big head! ha! No wonder her shirts are so hard to put on!
*She wears a 6-9 mo on the bottom & 9-12/12 mo on the top. My favorite thing on her on rompers...so cute for the summer!
*She still wears a size 3 diaper & size 2 shoe.
*She has recently transitioned from 4 bottles of formula a day to 2 sippy cups of whole milk & 1 bottle before bed. I was expecting this process to take awhile, but she made the switch effortlessly!
*She eats more solids than purees now. Her favorites are green beans (she INHALES them!), blueberry pancakes, cheese, peaches, turkey, cheerios, nutra-grain bars, & my pop tart crusts :)
*Still only 2 teeth!
*She is a walker roughly 87% of the time. She will crawl to an object, pull up, then walk to where she needs to go. Just recently she has been able to go from a squatting-to-standing position. She tries to stand up straight from the floor but has a hard time & gives up & goes to something to pull up on.
*She can tell you what the cat says (mmmyow), doggie says (ruf!), duck says (gaaaak), and what the sheep says (baaaa). She can say Mama, Dada, Byyyeee, mamen (amen), mmon (one), kihhy (kitty), tank to (thank you), and baby.
*Bedtime has moved to around 7:30 pm -7:00 am.
*She still LOVES her music, books, & she now has an obsession with ducks & cell phones. This girl loves talking on her phone.
*Her duck obsession is quite humorous. She wakes up saying "gaaaak", asks for a "guk" as soon as you pick her up from her crib, and carries around small rubber "guks" everywhere she goes. I'm serious, they go everywhere.

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