*You weigh about 18 pounds
*You wear a size 3 diaper, 9 month onsies & dresses, 3-6 or 6-9 month shorts/skirts/etc, and a size 2 shoe. You are super petite.
*You still take 4 six ounce bottles a day. You eat baby food between bottles & love to snack. You are beginning to eat more table food. You love: blueberry pancakes, green beans, graham crackers, quesadillas, cheese, and some other stuff.
*You still have only 2 teeth. You have been working on 2 or 3 on top, but they are coming in very slowly. You have been a champ with teething, sweet girl!
*You had a double ear infection, but Aunt Sarah got you into the dr. on his day off & got you fixed right up! You love taking medicine, so that was no biggie ; )
*You aren't doing your grass-leg-thing much anymore. It was way cute while it lasted, though!
*You are cruising around all over the place. You get around by cruising from one piece of furniture to another. You will walk if you are holding on to someone's fingers, your walker toy, or anything object you can push around the room (toy totes, large toys, etc.) You are beginning to stand up for long periods of time if someone lets go of your hands. I think walking is right around the corner!
*You say: momma, dadda, kitty, amen, tank-to (thank you), baby, bye (with a drastic southern drawl ; ) and you talk non-stop in your own Sophia language. You often point at whatever you are talking about and we just pretend we know what you are saying = )
*Bedtime is still around 7:00 and you wake up around 6:00. You aren't going back to sleep after your morning bottle lately....I'm going to try to change that when school is out. I don't want to get up for the day at 6, okay?! Summer is for sleeping in!!
*The only entertainment you really need are books and music. You LOVE looking through your books & "reading" them to yourself. You point at the pictures, jabber nonstop, and give the animals on the pages kisses. You will also stop and dance anytime you hear music...on a commercial, a cell phone ringing, dance recital, anything!
Oh crap. I typed a comment and it disappeared. It went something like this...What a cutie! Love the dress in pics 6&7, and also the personalized onesie! Cute stuff! Hope to talk to you guys soon!