*Wear a size 1 diaper
*At your dr. appt Monday (2mo 2days) you weighed 11 lb 8oz (75%) and were 23 3/4in (80%)
*Wearing mainly 3 mo clothing. Some is 0-3, some 3-6, and some just 3 months.
*Still nursing like a champ! It only takes you about 20 minutes to nurse both sides...you are serious about your food! You are beginning to eat about every 4 hours during the day and 6 at night. You eat 3 oz of pumped milk every 3ish hours when at the babysitter.
* You are a great sleeper like your sister was...and your momma thanks you! You usually only get up once at night to nurse and you go right back to sleep. You like to be swaddled but you prefer your right arm to be free so we keep it out of the swaddle. silly girl!
*You are happiest in the morning. That's when I get the most smiles and "coo's" out of you. Your smile is so sweet. I wish you'd show it more!
*You still have a lot of hair and your eye lashes are absolutely gorgeous! Your hair has a reddish/auburn color, but I think it might change like Sophia's did. I hope not, though!
*You LOVE to stick your tongue out. We have dubbed you the "lizard" because you've always got your tongue going.
*You also love taking baths and hate it when we have to take you out. We usually put your bath at one end and then fill up the tub and let Sophia bathe with you. You love watching her play in the tub and she loves helping give you a bath.
*You aren't too fond of tummy time on your mat, but you have great head control and love to "sit up" in someone's lap or be propped up near a shoulder so I don't push tummy time too hard.
Olivia, you have been an absolute blessing! I feel like my heart may burst at any moment because I am just so proud of my two girls. I can already tell how much you adore your big sister and you are always keeping your eyes on her. I pray that you have a strong relationship throughout your entire lives and are always there for one another. I look forward to watching you grow and learn but I'm not wishing time away...it's already going too fast! I love you little girl!
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Check out those jowls ;) |
When we go to get Sophia out of bed, she always wants us to lay you down next to her so she can snuggle you for a few minutes. Love love love it! |
"talking" to mommy |
got that tongue going! |
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