*Wear a size 18 month in most of your clothes, but are starting to get into a 24 month. Your shorts/skirts/etc are still 12 or 18 months for the most part.
*STILL in a size 3 diaper
*Wearing a size 5 shoe
*Still only have the 10 teeth. =)
*Are still a picky eater, but I've heard/read that that's normal. You love fish sticks, "chicken fries" (chicken with fries :), chicken nuggets, applesauce, corn, "chocolate crackers" (choc teddy grahams), mandarin oranges, pineapples, apples, and chocolate milk (even though it's usually just regular milk..mom & dad are sneaky like that)
*You talk, talk, talk! I have no clue an exact amount, but you have well over 200 words and are speaking in pretty good sentences. Just about any stranger who hears you comments on how well you talk for your age. We're definitely in trouble as you get older! Just this morning we were driving and I had to slam on the brakes due to the car in front of me and you said "Oh no, be careful mommy! Gotta drive careful"
*You are beginning to be shy in front of crowds. You usually warm up eventually, but it's beginning to take you a little bit before you talk to people when there is a crowd.
*You sleep from 8:00-7:45 usually. We pushed back your bedtime a tad so that you'd sleep a little later while I'm taking care of Olivia. It has worked pretty well so far!
*You are an AMAZING big sister. You just adore Olivia, take care of her, and show everyone you can that she's here. You love to cover her up, rock her, give her the pacifier, turn on her swing & music, help me burp her, give her a bottle, hold her, and give her lots of lovin's. I'm so proud of you!
*You are gaining a lot of independence. It's a tad frustrating at times, but daddy and I try our hardest to sit back and let you explore and figure things out for yourself. It may take an extra 15 minutes to get out the door so that you can try to dress yourself or brush your teeth or put on your shoes, but that's okay! Some things you are doing: asking for certain things to eat instead of just eating what we give you, trying to put on your shoes/clothes, taking off your shoes/clothes/diaper (we had to duct tape the diaper at bedtime for awhile. ha!), getting in the car yourself & climbing into your carseat, walking up/down stairs without holding a hand, brushing your teeth and hair, and so many other things.
I can't believe you are almost 2! We love you so much and are SO proud of you, little piggle. ;)
Looking intently at the animals at the Gentry Zoo |
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Your "cheese" face...silly girl! |
Gotta keep your diaper on! (duct taped) |
Giving Livy her first bottle |
Such a good mommy taking care of your own baby |
You really do love her! |
Sweet little girl. Can't wait to hang out with you guys!!!