How far along: 36 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Interesting story: At my last appointment I had gained 5 pounds between 32-34 weeks which brought my total to 20 pounds. Yes, that's right, 1/4 of my weight was gained in a 2 week time period. Dr. wasn't very concerned since I'm only up 20 pounds, but I promised to do better. SO, this week I was expecting the normal 2 pounds for the 2 weeks, BUT I had actually LOST 2 pounds! What the what?! So, I'm up a total of 18 pounds. We'll see what next week brings!
Maternity clothes: most definitely
Stretch marks: Thankfully they are beginning to fade again and I haven't noticed any new or red ones. Please please please let this be the case the remainder of the pregnancy!
Sleep: Oh how I miss sleep! I wake up anywhere from 4-6 times a night to use the restroom then take at least 20 minutes to fall back asleep. So, do the math: that's about 1.5-2 hours I'm not sleeping each night. Plus I'm super sore when I wake up.
Best moment this week: Sophia came up to me the other day, lifted up my shirt, waved at my belly and said "Hi Libby!" then gave her fives, knuckles, kisses, and hugs. I don't think she really gets what's going on, but it's sweet none the less!
Movement: As Dr. L said today "she's quite an active baby!" Uhm, yeah! She's always rockin' 'n rollin'
Food cravings: peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, snickers, COLD milk by the gallons
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor signs: She's beginning to drop down...a lot. My ribs are no longer on fire, but my lower abdomen is now feeling the pain!
Belly button in or out: I'll never be an outie, but my belly button is actually getting a little "flatter" this time around
What I miss: restful sleep and an adult beverage every now and then...but I don't miss them that badly! I LOVE being pregnant
What I am looking forward to: My showers this week. My work friends are throwing me a "sprinkle" Thursday and my sis & sis-n-law are doing one Saturday. Then we will be going on a shopping spree this weekend to get the nursery finished up. Can't wait!
Weekly wisdom: Nap when you can because I highly doubt I'll get to nap much with 2 under 2!
Milestone: I'm now into the weekly doctor visits. Two more visits then it's check in at the hospital to meet miss Livvy!
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