How far along: 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Up 19 pounds total
Maternity clothes: yep! However, I've been living in Jeff's t-shirts and stretchy pants all Spring Break & it's been lovely
Stretch marks: same ones, but they are red at times so I guess they are stretching even more
Sleep: I wish! I have been awake by 5 am this entire Spring Break with so much on my mind and I can't get comfortable
Best moment this week: Having our "sprinkles" and getting the nursery done. Well, for the most part. It still needs some "pretties" for the wall, but it's ready for a baby!
Movement: It never ends! I mentioned last week that Dr. L made a comment about how active she was.....weeeellll, I had to see a different doctor for my appt this week and he even made a comment about her movement. "She's very active, isn't she?" were his exact words. This was never said about Sophia, lol, guess we're in for a laid back kiddo and a hyper one! She still loves to roll across my tummy and jam herself up into my right ribs.
Food cravings: milk, milk, milk Food actually hasn't sounded good lately. I'm having food aversions again and am having to force myself to eat...mainly apples, milk & brownies =)
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor signs: None so far really
Belly button in or out: Still in, but not near as deep as it once was
What I miss: being able to enjoy being pregnant like I did with Sophia. Things are so different when you are chasing a toddler around!
What I am looking forward to: Getting all of the finishing touches put on the nursery and getting the house cleaned to my liking for company that may want to stop by after Miss Olivia makes her arrival
Weekly wisdom: Don't wait until the last 2 weeks to get everything done! Oops!
Milestone: I have 1 more dr. visit before my scheduled c/s!