Sophia, at 17 months you:
*weigh approximately 21ish pounds
*wear 12 months on bottoms, 12 or 18 months on top & your pjs are 18 months
*are STILL in a size 3 diaper
*wear a size 4 shoe
*sleep from 7:30 pm to 7:00 am. Daddy and I take turns putting you to bed; which consists of getting hugs, kisses, laying you down with "mammy", you sticking your feet up in the air until we tell you "put your feet down silly girl!", covering you up, and you going to sleep all by yourself. Thank you!! We are so thankful you are such a good sleeper!
*have had a vocabulary explosion! I wouldn't have the time to type out all the words you say, but some of the cutest are:
"____, are you?" when looking for someone, "elmo go?" when wanting to watch Elmo, "gobble gob" when seeing a turkey for Thanksgiving decorations, "HO ho" when seeing a Santa, "noooo" while flicking a finger around (this is already not so cute ;),
*love to eat green beans, fish sticks, mandarin oranges, nilla wafers...and that's about all your diet consists of =) We need to work on your picky-ness!
*are trying to put your "gocks" and "sooos" on all by yourself, but not very successfully
*like to "pound it" (aka give knuckles), even the dogs and cats get to "pound it" several times a day
*say "baby" while pointing to my belly....sometimes you point to my chest instead. lol You try to say "Olivia" but it sounds more like "lilibaya" or something like that
*love Minnie, Elmo, America's Funniest Home Videos, and just about any commercial that comes on
*pat people on the back when giving hugs...sweetest thing ever!
*make everyone's day much brighter when they are around you. You are such a joy and I'm so blessed to be your mommy!
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