Staying in a hotel room with an infant was an adventure for us. We set the pack & play up next to my side of the bed and Sophia wasn't very happy about having to be in it while mommy & daddy were all still awake. We wound up having to turn the TV off & go to bed at 9:00 ourselves just so she would go to sleep. I didn't want to let her cry herself to sleep because I didn't want to bother the neighbors. We also had to decide if the toilet really needed to be flushed in the middle of the night. It was either wake the baby up or, well, ya know. Moving on...
We got up Friday morning, ate breakfast at the hotel (Sophia ate 2 powdered donuts & a waffle...hey, it's vacation!), got dressed, and headed to the zoo. It was supposed to be a chilly day but it wound up being gorgeous! Sophia loved all the animals. I think she enjoyed the people watching as much as she enjoyed the animals. She's definitely my girl! She was so good and just took it all in. I just love watching her little mind at work. After the zoo we headed to the hotel for a nap before dinner. We went to the Cheese.cake Fact.ory for dinner. YUM! I'm glad we don't have one around here....we'd be broke! Sophia ate quite a bit of Jeff's Jamaican Black Pepper Shrimp...she preferred it over her baby food. Smart girl ; ) After we got back to the hotel, we spent some more time at the pool. I think we will be spending a lot of time this summer swimming at her Gigi & Papa's house!
We slept in Saturday morning & got our stuff together & headed to the mall. It was freezing and windy. We wandered through the mall & headed home to work on the den. It was a nice little getaway and we enjoyed our first "vacation" as a family of 3!
Now, the good!!

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