*You wear 6-9 month clothing. I have to roll most of your pants over a time or two at the waist because your waist and booty are non-existent. You can wear 3-6 in pants, but they are usually too short.
*You are still in a size 2 diaper. Again with the no waist/no booty.
*I'm not sure about your weight. My guess would be 18 pounds? I'll have to remember to get on the scale with you soon.
*You have a tooth! It started to erupt about 3 weeks ago and took about a week to completely cut through. You were a champ when it came to that tooth, nothing like what I'd heard it would be like. It messed with your sleep, gave you bad diapers, and you spit up for a couple of days, but there was nothing a little Motrin and ice cubes couldn't cure! I just pray the rest of the teeth are this easy! I can see that another tooth is about to erupt...
*You are army crawling like a fool. You go really fast and sometimes get too excited and lunge yourself across the room. You have gotten on all fours several times, but haven't gotten anywhere just yet.
*You clap all.the.time. It is your newest "trick" and you are so proud of yourself. You clap when we say "Yay!," when someone walks into the room, when you hear clapping on TV, and, well, just about anytime you see fit.
*You are beginning to wave goodbye. It is so stinkin' cute!
*You say mama, mamamama, babababa, and have begun dadada. You jabber all the time. Looks like you are going to be a chatterbox like your momma!
*You are in love with Micke.y Mous.e You will break your neck trying to find the TV anytime you hear his voice. It's so cute watching you stare at him in a trance and smile/"dance" when you hear the music. (*disclaimer: We don't use the TV as a babysitter. A little MM Clubhouse in the mornings gives momma time to get ready for the day ; )
*You still love bath time and have begun throwing fits when it's time to scrub you down and wash your hair. You would rather splash and play than get clean and get out.
*Your hair cracks me up. It's like a toupee with a comb-over. I'm thankful you have hair, though!
*You are still seriously the best baby ever! You LOVE people watching and you are beginning to be a real ham. I love love love your little personality!
*You are beginning to want to go to bed around 6:30 and wake up at 5:00 am. I go in, feed you, and you go back to sleep while mommy gets ready for work. Then, I get you up at 7:00 to get you dressed and ready to go.
*You eat 3 bottles while at Ms. Cain's and nurse morning & night with me. We made it to 8 months with this and I am so proud of us both! We are now in the weaning process because I'm just not able to pump even half of what you need. You are taking to formula pretty well. I'm still nursing morning & night until that supply tanks, too.
When you first began trying to crawl, you went backwards the easiest and would often find yourself stuck under the furniture and in corners. silly girl!
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