Anyway, here is what you are up to this month:
*You wear 6-9 month clothing. Some 3-6 months sill fit, they just aren't long enough.
*You are in a size 2 diaper
*You weigh about 15.3 pounds. I guess after my little freak~out of you not gaining but 13 oz in 2 months, you decided to start putting on the weight!
*You nurse in the morning & at night and you eat 3 5oz bottles of breastmilk at the babysitter's.
*You eat 1 container of baby food per night. So far you have been a fantastic eater! The only thing you haven't liked so far is sweet potatoes with corn. It was so cute: you kept taking bites of it but cried each time you'd open your mouth for more. Your favorite is mixed fruits with oatmeal.
*You still have no teeth, and I still think they will come "any day now!" You drool enough to fill a small pool and you are constantly chewing on everything, especially your fingers. Your Daddy says I need to quit looking in your mouth 10X a day!
*You are thisclose to crawling. You rock and manage to go backwards, but haven't quite figured out how to for~real crawl. You can roll very quickly to whatever you are wanting, so that's your method of getting around for now.
*Your sleeping has not been so great lately. Luckily for us, it is still much better than most babies your age. You go to sleep at 7pm and sleep until 5:30am. You used to go back to sleep until it was time to leave at 7, but now you think it's fun to play with mommy at 5:30. This makes it hard for mommy to get ready for work. But, I can't lie...I enjoy having that little extra time with you each morning! You have also decided to drop one of your naps. So, now, you only take 1 45 minute nap a day...we need to fix that!
*Your newest "tricks" are: fake coughing, kicking your legs as hard and as fast as you can while getting dressed/diaper changed, banging toys on the side of the tub while taking a bath, and taking your socks off every chance you get.
*You are the absolute light of our eyes. We love you SO MUCH!
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