Sophia, here is what you were up to at 4 months:
*You weighed 13lb 3oz and was 25in long at your 4 month appointment. That is in the 50th percentile for weight and 80th for height. I guess you are going to be tall like mommy. Let's get busy on those sports scholarships, shall we?!
*You still go to sleep around 8:00 and get up at 5:30 for me to feed you, then you go back to sleep until 7 when it's time to go to Ms. Cain's. However, you are beginning to get up at 4:30 instead of 5:30...we need to get this straightened out ASAP!
*You are beginning to wear 3-6 month clothing and wear a size 1 diaper.
*You began sleeping on your stomach the day before you turned 4 months. I lay you down in your crib and you immediately roll over to your tummy.
*You still have a hard time rolling back onto your back and you scream until someone rolls you back over.
*You give the biggest belly laughs when we play "I'm gonna get you!" and when we "bite" your belly/back/feet
*You eat 4oz every 2.5-3 hours at Ms. Cain's and only take a morning nap. You are very nosy and afraid to miss something, so sleeping is put on the back-burner. (Wonder where you get this from?!)
*You nurse when you are with momma and you eat like a champ!
*You are most definitely a mommy's girl! You don't like it when I leave the room and I usually have to be within eyesight if someone else is holding you. While I LOVE that you love me so much, it is a bit dramatic and I'd like for others to enjoy you as much as I do. I'm sure I'll have to remind you (and me) that you really do love me when you are a teenager saying "I hate you" because I won't let you get your belly button pierced.
*You went on your first trip to the zoo and you loved it. I wore you in the sling and had to wear you facing outward so you could see everything. Your favorite animals were the seals, sea lions, and the monkeys.
*You had your first ear infection. Mommy and daddy felt really bad because we didn't even know your ear was bothering you! We took you to the doctor for a lingering cough and he said you had an ear infection, but you hadn't shown any signs of one.
*You are learning and growing each day and I love watching you as you discover new things
Beautiful girls! Both of you! Miss you! And there is NOTHING wrong with a pierced belly button. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, friend! Miss you, too! No, there is nothing wrong with my mind I was thinking of her asking for one when she's 13 ; ) Perhaps I'm just bitter because I never had the abs to rock one ; )