I've been exhausted!
How far along: 34 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds total
Maternity clothes: I wear them to work and then come straight home and put on Jeff's shorts & t-shirts = )
Stretch marks: They are ugly BUT will always be a reminder of this time in my life so I am beginning to treasure them (well, as much as one can treasure something so ugly!)
Sleep: Haven't had a good night's sleep in a loOoOng time
Best moment this week: Mother's Day!
Movement: I feel it more often, but it isn't as jolting. It seems like she stretches more than anything...less kicking and flipping nowadays. She's gotten the hiccups several times this week and that feels kinda neat
Food cravings: I still haven't had a big craving....bummed about that
Gender: Sophia Faith
Pregnancy Symptoms: Lots of those! Big belly, peeing a LOT, backache, and I'm beginning to have crazy dreams like I did in the first trimester
Pregnancy Symptoms: Lots of those! Big belly, peeing a LOT, backache, and I'm beginning to have crazy dreams like I did in the first trimester
Labor signs: no ma'am
Belly button in or out: still in
What I miss: sleeping through the night and being able to roll over in bed/stand up from a sitting position without so much effort
What I am looking forward to: ultrasound on Friday
Weekly wisdom: Accept help from those who offer it.
Milestone: getting a week off from seeing the doctor! We went straight from monthly visits to weekly visits due to blood pressure problems....BUT, I've been good and he gave us a week off and no bed-rest! woo~hoo!
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