At 8 months old, Elijah:
*Wears 6 month, 6-9 month, and 9 month clothing. He'll be solely in 9 month soon...he probably should be now, but I want to get some use out of the clothes we bought him thinking he'd still be in 6-9 month clothing! He can still wear the 3-6 month shoes, though.
*Wears a size 2 diaper but will most likely go up to a 3 when we buy more
*Eats four 8oz bottles of formula and 2 containers of baby food a day. He loves all of the oatmeal/cereal combinations, fruits, and most veggies. He likes most of the dinner blends, too, but there is one that he hates and I can't remember what that one is! Hope I don't accidentally buy it again...oops!
*Still has an aversion to eating anything solid or lumpy. He seriously gags and cries if you try to give him a Puff, or yogurt melt, or thick baby food, or anything that isn't extremely smooth. He cried when I took a tiny bit of Sophia's banana, smushed it on my finger, and put it in his mouth. To be honest, though, I'm really hoping this isn't a sign of something problematic...I really thought he'd be over this by now....
*He sits up like a champ and tries to reach anything and everything within a 5 foot radius of him. He went from not sitting up, to sitting up perfectly...barely any falling over or learning balance.
*He rolls around to get where he wants to go. He also has an extremely long wing-span...we really have to watch out because this boy can reach just about anything he sees.
*He is so smiley and laughy and adorable! Such an easy-going baby, very laid back, calm and happy....a complete joy to be around. He lets his sisters crawl all over him and he barely makes a peep...well, besides a laugh!
*Still only says "dada" and jabbers a little bit. He is trying to clap and wave/say "bye" but we're not quite there.
*He has turned into a side sleeper and I think it's so adorable! He goes to sleep around 7 pm and starts playing/cooing around 5:30 am but will often put himself back to sleep after a few minutes and not get back up until around 7 am.
*He now takes a "big bath" with the girls in the big tub. No more baby tub! They all think this is the best thing ever!
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Found him like this one morning. He had started out facing the OTHER way at the OTHER end of the crib! That blanket immediately went in a drawer. |