How far along: 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I keep forgetting to update this, so my memory may be off, but I think it's 18 total at this point
Maternity clothes: absolutely....until I walk in the door and it's gym shorts and tank tops =)
Stretch marks: getting new ones on my belly unfortunately =(
Sleep: It's pretty good right now! I sleep pretty soundly until around 4:30 and then I REALLY have to go to the restroom, but, hey, I'll take it!
Best moment this week: We registered for a few things (tacky?!) because some family/friends wanted to have some "good ideas" & we figured this would be the easiest way. We also got the crib put together!
Movement: He's beginning to chill out a bit, but he still moves enough to keep me from getting worried. He gets the hiccups a lot now, too!
Food cravings: Snickers
Gender: it's a boy!
Labor signs: nope...I do think I've had some Braxton Hicks here & there, though
Belly button in or out: innnn
What I miss: playing comfortably in the floor with the girls
What I am looking forward to: *Hopefully* getting to exchange the dresser and getting a new one pretty quickly. The dresser I ordered is way too dark & doesn't look good with the crib. We just hope it's exchangeable since I ordered it online & we had to completely open the box to be able to see the color. =(
Weekly wisdom: Be oh so very thankful we've had a "comfortable" summer this year! This last week has been triple digits and it's KILLING me. I am swollen, exhausted, and absolutely uncomfortable. SO thankful it wasn't an entire summer of it.
Milestone: Got my C-section scheduled for October 10! Dr. L said he'd get me on the schedule at my 36 week appointment but then realized that I am due 10/17 so my c/s should be a week prior, making it 10/10. We both figured that would be a very popular "elective c/s" day, so he had his nurse go ahead and call to get me on the schedule. I'll hopefully get confirmation at my appointment Tuesday. ![]() |
33 weeks and HUGE! |