*Not sure your exact weight...my guess is around 18lbs. You're beginning to chunk up a bit. I'll try to remember to check later
*You are still wearing a size 2 diaper
*You are wearing 6-9 month clothing
*You have 2 teeth! Your bottom right tooth broke through and then your bottom left broke about 4 days later. You handled teething pretty well...it messed with your sleeping, but you weren't too crabby overall.
*Your sleeping is beginning to get better! You go to bed around 7, wake up once for a paci, once to eat, and then you get up for the day around 6:45. Now if we can cut out the paci or bottle...or both!
*You are now napping in your crib! You no longer inissit on sleeping in a swing so now naptime is now much less stressful
*You can roll both ways now, but scream like someone is cutting your toes off one by one once you get onto your tummy. You look at us like we're torturing you, but all you have to do is roll back over. I don't see crawling anywhere in your near future since you DESPISE being on your tummy and won't stay on it long enough to get up on your hands/knees.
*You are now officially weaned from nursing. It was so bittersweet. I had hoped to make it to at least 9 months like I did with Sophia, but I'm happy with getting to breastfeed at all. I just didn't produce nearly enough this time around. We slowly dropped your nursing sessions down from morning & night to just morning and then the day you hit 7 months you no longer nursed in the morning.
*You eat a 5-6 5oz bottles a day: 1 in the morning, 3 at Ms. Cain's, and 1 before bed...with usually 1 more in the middle of the night.
*You love yourself some baby food! You have one at Ms. Cain's and one around 5pm. If we are late giving you dinner you become very cranky. Poor thing, you're going to be like your momma and love food. Your favorites are fruit & oatmeal (especially cinnamon pear & oatmeal) and you are beginning to like meat/veggie mixes. You don't really like veggies unless there is something else mixed in.
*You still like your paci, but you really only use it for sleeping purposes. You are now a pro at finding your paci and putting it in yourself....except some nights you can't find it in the crib so daddy goes and pops it back in for you.
*Your favorite toys right now are: Scout, Sophia, Mommy, plastic links, rattles, your feet, and anything that flashes lights or makes noise.
*You are becoming a much happier baby, but still prefer mommy to be around. I wish you'd be nicer to your daddy, though. =(
*You make this silliest faces! You always have your nose scrunched up and your eyes doing something funny. So silly!
*You are beginning to jabber quite a bit. You say "dadadadada" all day long and are beginning to say "bah bah bah" You start out super soft and with the sweetest voice, but gradually get louder and deeper. It's adorable =)
*You appear to be the typical younger child who won't do anything because you know someone else will do it for you! Sophia takes care of you so you are in no hurry. ha!
Miss Olivia, you are absolutely rotten, but we ADORE you and your sweet little personality!
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My sweet little parrot |
So, my pictures are once again freezing up on me. =( Santa better bring momma a new computer so I can add pictures!