Miss Olivia, you turned 5 months on September 2. My oh my how time has flown! (Sorry for not posting a 4 month update :( Our computer has been crashed & that's where I upload my pictures so I've been out of blogging commission for a bit. Anyway, at 5 months you:
*Wear a size 1 diaper
*Are wearing 3-6 month clothing...size 6 month sleepers fit better in length, though
*Not sure on your weight/height stats. My guess is somewhere around 16lbs?
*You are still nursing well, but my supply isn't that great for pumping. I was hoping to make it to at least 9 months of breast milk only like I did with Sophia, but I don't think we're going to make it. I'm sad about it, but I know it's not the end of the world. Right now you nurse morning & night & full time on the weekends, and have 2 or 3 (just depends) 4oz bottles at Ms. Cain's.
*You started eating a jar of baby food (green beans & apples so far) each evening to try and fill you up for the night....which brings me to:
*Your sleeping patterns are less than desirable. You go to bed anywhere between 7:45-8:45, wake up randomly throughout the night, and wake up for the day around 7:00-7:30. Most of the time when you wake in the night daddy goes and plugs you up & you go right back to sleep. Other times, however, you scream and scream and scream until mommy comes in to either nurse/rock/or sit in the recliner & watch junk reality TV in the wee hours of the morning with you. I live on coffee and Dr.Pepper right now.
*You are slowly becoming more agreeable when around other people. You still freak out if I'm not in the room or holding you, but you are finally starting to smile/coo/look at other people.
*You can roll tummy to back and can almost make it from back to tummy. You despise tummy time so it makes practicing your rolling difficult.
*Some of your favorite things: Sophia, Mommy, your Seahorse, rattles, your pacifier, and blowing raspberries.
We love you so much and you bring so much love to our family!
(as I said earlier, the computer has crashed several times recently so I don't have any "real" pictures to upload right now...and I'm getting the dreaded hum of the computer that means another shut down is coming soon. So, pictures later...or just check facebook. ha!)