This month Sophia:
*weighs 18.7 pounds
*wears 12mo onsies, 6-9 mo shorts/skirts, 9-12mo shirts, size 3 shoes & a size 3 diaper
*finally cut another tooth. She now has 3 teeth! ha!
*walks everywhere. No more crawling! She can stand up straight from the floor without pulling up. The only time she "crawls" is to get up or down a step. A funny: We have about a 1/2in difference in floor height from our kitchen to our living room (from pulling up carpet in living room) and Sophia insists on getting on her knees, turning around, and crawling backward "down" the drop off. It cracks us up that she thinks its a step down.
*talks. A lot. She jabbers all day long and will often give us the "what-for" She can spot a "quack" from a mile away & will quack until you see it, too! She knows what the: cat, dog, sheep, duck, & elephant "say." She has about 20 words in her vocabulary.
*still loves music & reading. She also loves to sit her little chair and read, snack, drink her sippy, watch tv, watch the kitties, just about anything. She loves that chair.
*is completely off the bottle. She gets a sippy of milk w/breakfast, lunch, & dinner. We often give her about a 1/2 sippy of milk about 45min before bed just to top her off.
*she became a very picky eater for about 3 weeks, but we are slowly getting over that hump. Some days she barely ate enough to keep a bird alive! The pedi says that is completely normal for children her age: they don't have much of an appetite & are slowly learning that they have opinions & want to express them.
*she has grown attached to her "Lambie" A little lamb lovey. She sleeps with him and cuddles him very tightly. It is so stinkin sweet!