*You weigh 16 lbs 11 oz and are 28 inches tall. That's 50% for weight and 75% for height. I forget the measurements of your head, but it is 50% so it's not too big ; )
*You are STILL in a size 2 diaper. We have 2 jumbo boxes of size 3s waiting patiently in the closet. You have a teeny-tiny waist & booty
*You wear 6-9 month clothing. You still need 6 months for pants/skirts/etc.
*You have 1 full tooth and one currently cutting through. You have been a champ with the teething process. A few ice cubes in the mesh teether and some Tyl.enol and you are good to go!
*You FINALLY decided to crawl on your hands/knees. You army crawled for the longest time and then one day you finally went to your knees and have been crawling like a pro since!
*You are beginning to pull up on things and would rather be standing than sitting. You can't stand by yourself, but you want to stand while holding something/someone. We had to move your crib down because of this.
*You say "mama," "dada," "bababa," and a bunch of other jabberings.
*You can clap, wave, give kisses, make a "stink face," share "bites," and blow raspberries. You have recently started "dancing" by waving your arms around/bouncing around. You also "head-butt" mommy and think it's the funniest thing!
*You are officially done nursing. I quit pumping when you turned 8 months old, dropped the night feeding a week ago, and dropped the morning feeding yesterday. I'm proud of us and how far we made it with breastfeeding!
*You took to formula quite well. You are currently eating 20-24 oz a day. Sometimes you want 6 oz and sometimes you want 5.
*You eat breakfast and dinner. You are also beginning to eat more table foods. I'm a nervous wreck letting you try new things, but you love it and have done great so far!
*You take a "real" bath now. No more inflatable duck tub. You LOVE the big bath...you crawl around, pull up on the side, splash, and have a grand 'ol time.
*You go to bed around 7-7:30 and wake up around 6:30.
*I'm sure I say this every time, but you seriously are the best and happiest baby I have ever met. You are constantly smiling, laughing, being goofy, or just taking in everything around you.