How far along: 30 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: up 18 pounds...Found out I was down 3 pounds from our previous appointment. So, in 4 days I lost 3 pounds of fluid. Wish losing weight were this easy in "real life"!
Maternity clothes: Trying to make what I've got last...don't want to spend too much $ on a few weeks worth of stuff
Stretch marks: still icky!
Sleep: I guess I'm being prepared for her arrival...I don't get much sleep anymore! I'm EXHAUSTED!
Best moment this week: Putting away all of the wonderful stuff we got at her shower
Movement: love it! I love when my belly just randomly starts shaking and whoever I'm talking to is like "uh, there's an earthquake in your stomach" lol
Food cravings: I can't get enough to drink....Dr. Pepper, water, Cherry Vanilla Limeade, milk, whatever
Gender: Sophia Faith
Labor signs: nada
Belly button in or out: Jeff thinks I'm crazy, but I feel like it's not very deep anymore....guess we'll see!
What I miss: being independent. Everyone wants to do everything for me (which is super sweet) but I'm way too independent for that
What I am looking forward to: Getting our crib....Wal-Mart lost the one we ordered weeks ago. yes, LOST our crib! We had to re-order it
Weekly wisdom: Let others do things for you if they want....they are doing it out of the goodness of their hearts. Don't let it bother you. Appreciate it
Milestone: We are almost down to single-digit weeks!!!